An open-letter to a solar-curious Iowan
Board-member Michael Newton responded to an inquiry with the following letter. It’s a wealth of information, resources and guidance. We recommend it as a good starting point on your solar installation journey.
Thank you very much for reaching out to I-Renew for information about installing solar on your organic farm in Red Oak, Iowa. I am a member of I-Renew, and I will be happy to help you in your efforts to acquire information about solar.
There are indeed many options for going solar, and that list of options continues to grow. May I ask, have you conducted a lot, some, or a little research about solar power options? And what sources have you accessed? There is a wealth of information on the internet about solar, and I am familiar with several reputable organizations. I will list them below. Please pardon me if I list any resources with which you are already familiar.
One of the first I would recommend is contacting The Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Road, Custer, Wisconsin 54423,
One of our members is quite familiar with this organization. He took a multi-week online course on solar energy from them, and it was very thorough. MREA is an organization that trains individuals who want to pursue careers in solar energy. They have contacts throughout the solar industry, and could make knowledgeable recommendations about which solar companies to speak with about requesting solar designs, bids, etc. The most knowledgeable person we know at MREA is Jenny Heinzen, Master Electrician and Head of Training at MREA. She was the lead instructor for the course he took; in short, she is brilliant, an expert in her field, extremely well-informed about electricity and solar. He trusts her judgment completely, and so should you. She can at least help guide you to other reputable sources of information. You can reach her at:
We would also recommend that you visit:, and also ask them to send you their recent publication "Rise Up Midwest: Our Call to Action for a Midwest Clean Energy Transition." This 88-page report contains many articles on solar for households, businesses, educators, communities, and advocates. At the end of the report is an extensive list of authors, their organizations, and their contact information.
May we also suggest that you do a Google search for "solar energy in Iowa"? Your results will include numerous organizations that will be happy to assist you in your transition to solar energy. As you gather advice, we suggest that you verify bids and other information that solar companies may provide. I'm not suggesting any dishonesty, but that prices will vary, equipment and installation prices will vary, etc.
Side note: organic, regenerative agriculture is also a part of making Iowa Renewable and sustainable! You should know about an organic farmer, essayist, environmentalist, philosopher, and conservationist: Wendell Berry of New Castle, Kentucky. He is one of the most principled individuals we have ever encountered. You can find out a lot by visiting:
In terms of social justice, you may wish to visit the following: This organization advocates for a sustainable society, and we believe you will find a number of different avenues to explore there.
Kindly note that Linn and Johnson County have embarked on a joint solar program to increase solar installation on homes, businesses, farms, etc. The individuals responsible for the program would--we should think--be happy to share solar-related information with you.
May we also suggest that you visit the website of the American Solar Energy Society at: ASES produces a magazine called Solar Today which we also recommend you obtain. Tell them that you were referred to them by a member, and that you should be able to receive a free copy! Please use I-Renew member’s name, Michael Newton, if you wish.
To see what is happening in Linn County re. solar, you might visit: which will give you information about large-scale solar operations. You could also write to them about people and organizations they would recommend you contact.
You may have already begun the process of making your project/home more energy efficient. I recommend that you obtain the publication "Home Tightening, Insulation, and Ventilation" produced by the Iowa Energy Center. On the back cover of this publication there is an extensive list of organizations that you can consult about solar. A number of these organizations are based in Iowa. Please see:
And since you are very serious about solar, perhaps you would be interested in electric cars and electric bicycles as well! For information about them please see: and
May we add one of my favorite organizations? Green America is an outstanding sustainability advocacy organization based in Washington, DC. One of our members has been a member for nearly two decades. They do excellent research, are committed activists, and have a very-well-run operation. We highly recommend them. Please see:
We realize that we have given you a great deal of information. Please take your time reading through it. Ask lots of questions, talk to the experts in the solar industry. There are more and more solar options developing almost daily. You have a multitude of options; with careful research, and sound advice, we are sure you will choose the best ones for your purposes.
Thank you very much for reaching out to I-Renew. If we can help further in any way with your solar questions, please let us know. We are delighted to serve.
Very best regards,
Michael Newton
I-Renew Board Member